The chakras play an important role in my Soul Tree readings and paintings, which inspired me to create a series of chakra paintings for my oracle card deck, The Wisdom of Soul Trees. I have been sharing these paintings on social media as I have created them. In this blog, I am sharing more general information on the chakras along with each painting and a short description of the seven main chakras.
Each chakra is complex and offers a wealth of knowledge. The information below barely scratches the surface of the knowledge available on each chakra. If you are interested in learning more about the chakras, there are countless books available and more information is just a click away on the internet.
Some of you may be wondering, what are the chakras anyway?
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex and it refers to energy centers located deep within our bodies. There are hundreds of chakras within the body, I am focusing on the seven main chakras that affect our lives daily. Chakras work as pumps regulating the flow of energy through our bodies. They are not physical, but aspects of consciousness. Learning about the chakras gives us an understanding of the relationship between consciousness and our body. When one or more of our chakras is blocked or under active, the life force energy cannot flow through them and it can cause mental, emotional and physical dis-ease. Therefore, it is important for all of the chakras to be balanced, open and flowing.
First Chakra- Root |
Second Chakra- Sacral |
Third Chakra- Solar Plexus
Fourth Chakra- Heart Center |
Fifth Chakra- Throat
The fifth chakra is the Throat, which is blue and located at the Adams apple. This chakra's corresponding issues are: all forms of communication, speaking up & speaking your truth (to yourself as well as others), and asking for what you need. This chakra urges you to express yourself in a creative way. Owning your authentic nature can awaken self-acceptence of your uniqueness which leads to finding your voice and speaking your truth.
Sixth Chakra- Third Eye
The sixth is referred to as the Third Eye, it is indigo and located between the eyebrows. This chakra is about our intuition, intellect, imagination, insight and navigating the unknown. At the sixth chakra level, we trust life and allow it to flow and unfold.
Seventh Chakra- Crown
The seventh chakra is the Crown, located at the top of the head. This chakra is usually violet or white. The Crown is about our connection to our higher power (whatever that is to you), higher awareness, faith, spirituality and religion. It acts like a portal to our Divine. Here we may receive divinely inspired visions and experience Oneness with all. The Crown chakra awakens us to the all-encompassing purpose of the soul. Consciousness at this level can be described as sacred.
I would love to hear which of these chakra paintings resonates the most for you!Next time I will discuss the role that chakras play in my Soul Tree readings & artwork.
Spring, the season of renewal, is a great time to order a Soul Tree to draw inspiration and self-awareness after this, especially long winter. Visit to place your order.
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